The "Mallinder" name has three syllables; "Mall", "in" and "der". The name can be traced back within the Killamarsh Church of England parish registers to the early 1600s.
The idea of a surname is generally thought to have been introduced into England by the Normans. The surname was often based on a place, a nickname, an occupation or simply patronymics. It has been suggested that the Mallinder name was based on an occupation; the Norman-French "Moliniere", a job descriptive name for a corn miller. The occupation "Moliniere" has three syllables that sound similiar to "Mallinder". It has been further suggested that the name originated around the Bay of Biscay.
The distribution of Mallinder Families in England and Wales in 1881 was strongly connected to Killamarsh, a town in North East Derbyshire bordering South Yorkshire. Also the name was connected to Sheffield.
The distribution of Mallinder Families in England and Wales had diversied by 1998. There is a relatively new road called MALLINDER CLOSE, KILLAMARSH, SHEFFIELD, SOUTH YORKSHIRE, S21 1TD which indicates this strong connection of “Mallinder” with Killamarsh.