The Will of Thomas Mallinder 1759-1821

Until 1858 wills were dealt with by church courts. After 1858 wills were dealt with by the Principal Probate Registry. As Thomas lived in Killamarsh his will was dealt with by the church diocese of Lichfield and Coventry.

The document below is from the Diocese of Lichfield & Coventry original wills, inventories and letters of administration 1521-1858, which are taken from Consistory Court and Peculiar Courts records and include probate documents and inventories

There is a grant of probate given to Ann Mallinder on 18th October 1821 for the will of Thomas Mallinder. The probate is under the value of £100 therefore would not be liable for taxation. Ann signs with her mark, and her deceased husband is listed as a Collier.

The will was made on April 10th 1821 and leaves everything to his wife Ann. This will is a few weeks prior to Thomas' death, he was buried May 1st 1821. Again the will is signed by a mark, this would suggest that both Ann and Thomas would have been illiterate.