Wotz New

This page lists new content that has been added to the site. It is listed in order of most recent content first. Each page on the site has a "modified" date, sometimes pages are changed that are not listed on "Wotz New"; this is mainly because the changes are nothing more than edits that do not add any major new content. If major content is added to an exisiting page then it will be shown in the list below. When you revisit the site, you can simply view the "Wotz New" page to check for any updates.

  1. Page updated: Ann Mallinder 1895-1970 28th June 2019. Census records added for 1901 and 1911

  2. Page updated: Maternal Line 30th Jan 2019. Corrections to Grandmother info.

  3. Page updated: Mary Mallinder 1833-1XXX 20th Aug 2015. Added correspondence relating to the Mallinder/Valentine line.

  4. Page updated: Thomas Mallinder 1827-1878 29th July 2015. Added children's baptismal records from St Maries Cathedral, Sheffield.

  5. Page updated: Martin Mallinder 1803-1847 28th July 2015. Memorial tiles found at St Maries Cathedral, Sheffield.

  6. Page added: Mallinder Tiles 28th July 2015. Explanation of where, when and why!

  7. Page updated: Mary Mallinder 1833-1XXX July 2015. Thank you to Susie.

  8. Page added: under construction: Anne Mallinder (1895-1970) November 2014. Big Thanks to Trish and Maureen, without whom none of this information would have been known to me.

  9. Page added: under construction: William Mallinder (17XX-1XXX) June 2014

  10. Updated Thomas Mallinder (1827-1828) to clearly show paternal line ownership of Porter Foundry June 2014

  11. Thomas Mallinder (1759-1821) major updates with burial and marriage records. May 2014.

  12. Update from Andy Mallinder on those Mallinder Millions! May 2014

  13. Site moved to x10hosting February 2014

  14. A small cosmetic update April 2013

  15. Site opened January 2012